GSLS Rubrics

GSLS Rubrics

Welcome to the GSLS Rubrics Website

This website offers you digital versions of the rubrics for research projects (research skills, research report, and presentation), writing assignments (literature review and research proposal), and business internships (business skills, business report, and presentation) of Master’s students of the Graduate School of Life Sciences. The rubrics should be used for the motivation of interim or final assessment of these projects, but can also be used to discuss expectations or help during in-between feedback moments.

Rubrics Research Project: Research Skills | Research Report | Presentation

Rubrics Writing Assignment: Literature Review | Research Proposal

Rubrics Business Internship: Business Skills | Business Report | Presentation

Do you have questions or suggestions regarding the rubrics? Contact the Assessment Support Panel. For more instructions on how these rubrics can be used please watch the following video:

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In deze folder bevindt zich extra informatie door middel van een video. Scan de bovenste QR-code met uw telefoon om deze video te bekijken. Of bekijk de video via: